Thursday, April 7, 2011


To: Suzanne Yergensen
From: Jackson Cozzens
Date: April 7, 2011
Regarding: Online Reputation

Research has been conducted to verify the overall standing of your online reputation. You should be pleased to know that you are in good standing. However, there is room for improvement.

When I typed your name into Google, there was little information about you returned. The only links that provided any relevant information were from Facebook and the blogs you created for Preston Parker’s and Brenda Cooper’s classes. If I were an employer I would have been impressed to see that examples of your writing are available to be seen in a search engine. This would work out to your benefit if you feel that you are a good writer. However, if in the future your writing improves and you do not want your blog to portray you in a less positive light as a writer, it would need to be deleted.

I found that you were once a part of a group called “”Nothin Proper” Bout Your Propaganda.” You were associated with Whitli Godderige, Nicholas Larsen, Ashley Miller, Kaylee Mitchell and Jacob Norr. As long as none of these people become a terrorist, you should be ok. I found that in this group you researched topics such as, same sex marriage. What I found led me to believe you are pro same sex marriage.

Guatemala 9-1-1 was another project you appeared to be involved in. If so it would definitely reflect you in a positive light. It would be to your benefit if you could somehow show your involvement in the Facebook group. Any employer would want and employee that has been involved in humanitarian efforts.

It was not hard to find your personal information. I know that you are from East Brunswick, New Jersey. You went to East Brunswick High school. You have naturally red hair but it is dyed most of the time. I can tell you care about your physical appearance due to the places you have worked in the past (Tanning Studio, Workout World, Charlotte Russe). I know that you are public relations major, so I assume that you like writing. From the pictures on Facebook I can tell you like to go to parties and have a good time. One of your idols is Chelsea Handler.

Although from your Facebook I could tell you like to go to parties where alcohol may be involved, I couldn’t find any evidence of you actually drinking. It is up to you whether or not you allow people to see pictures of parties but keep in mind that employers are quick to judge in the application process. I would recommend not allowing any business associates to view some of your pictures so that you are constantly viewed in a professional light.

Overall I feel like your online reputation is in good standing. I would like to see more about you in the future. As a public relations representative, experience counts. If I were able to log on and see a list of things you have accomplished on the internet it would be very impressive. Utilize your time in college and try to get some of your press releases covered in a newspaper, or make sure you stay up to date with your blog and continue to post projects that you undertake there. It is the best way to let someone who is researching you, know what you are capable of.

I hope you take this information and manage your online reputation so that it may be found in excellent standing.

1 comment:

  1. hey man good research and it looks like you followed the memo format perfectly!
